Elements of political doctrination in school everyday through actions of the school without party program: an analysis under Foucauldian optics

  • Joel Souza UFSC
Keywords: Political indoctrination, School Without Political Party, Foucault


This research work intends to present subsidies for reflections in the area of ​​education, especially with regard to the Escola sem Partido Program and its aspirations in the conception of a Bill that, despite calling itself guarantor of the rights of parents and students, actually provides for, the restriction of the activities of teachers and other educators. As a support methodology for the analysis of the collected documents, Bardin's teachings were used and for reflection of the possible influences on school daily life, interdisciplinary authors of the size of Paulo Freire were enrolled, especially regarding his perception of a liberating education and having as its center the thinker Foucault with his sociological conceptions. As a result of the present investigation, it was found that if the ESP bill is approved and sanctioned, such a measure could imply a major setback in human relations involving the school device with possible negative effects on the Brazilian educational system.

How to Cite
SouzaJ. Elements of political doctrination in school everyday through actions of the school without party program: an analysis under Foucauldian optics. Transitions, v. 3, n. 1, p. 110-132, 20 Jul. 2022.