Research in education: fundamental considerations for the researcher

  • Michel Luis da Cruz Ramos Leandro
Keywords: Research, Science, Education


This article aims to present basic precepts for the researcher, especially for those focused on research in education, for this, an attempt was made to correlate different perspectives of scientific practice through several renowned researchers in the area of research methodology in education. It is known that scientific research in the educational field benefits from multiple and different theoretical and methodological perspectives for the production of knowledge, this means that the references adopted for the understanding of educational phenomena - their objectives and intentions, their processes, results and conclusions - carry methodologies and theoretical references that validate a scientific practice that should be based on responsibility and ethics, thus, occupying the position of subject-researcher is, above all, a political attitude and this implies some essential considerations that every researcher needs take into account

How to Cite
LeandroM. L. da C. R. Research in education: fundamental considerations for the researcher. Transitions, v. 1, n. 2, p. 39-54, 14 Dec. 2020.