Preparo intestinal para colonoscopia de rastreio de câncer colorretal e educação em saúde: uma revisão narrativa


Introduction: Given the high worldwide prevalence of colorectal cancer, efforts have been directed towards its early diagnosis through colonoscopy, which is considered the gold standard for screening this neoplasm. However, the success and safety of colonoscopy depend directly on adequate bowel preparation, which should clean the colon to allow full visualization of the intestinal mucosa. Among the factors that impact on the quality of the preparation are the particularities of the preparation methods and the ways of instructing the patient. Objectives: to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current recommendations for bowel preparation for colonoscopy, involving their quality criteria, bowel preparation scales, agents and diet, as well as to clarify the best strategies for instructing patients about preparation for the examination, in order to contribute to its efficiency and thus promote humanized care and greater therapeutic success. Methodology: An expanded literature review was carried out using the Pubmed, LILACS and SciELO databases on the method of preparation for colonoscopy and patient education. After selecting articles related to the topic from the last ten years, a critical and comparative analysis was carried out, followed by the production of a narrative review. Results: The importance of the adenoma detection rate and the use of bowel preparation quality scales are discussed. In addition, the use of laxative agents should be appropriate to the clinical conditions of each patient, the most commonly used being polyethylene glycol. To achieve adequate colon cleansing, a clear liquid diet or low-residue diet should also be adopted. Conclusions: Therefore, in order for patients to understand all these details, improved instructions should be employed, but they should be adapted to the characteristics of the population served, considering their age, level of education and access to technology.

How to Cite
FAVERI, M. C.; FRANCISCHETTI, I. Preparo intestinal para colonoscopia de rastreio de câncer colorretal e educação em saúde: uma revisão narrativa. Health Sciences & Education, v. 5, n. 2, p. 82-108, 11 Dec. 2024.