From the origins of immigrant influence in the music to the foundation of the Ribeirão Preto Symphonic Orchestra

  • Julio Cezar Pecktor Oliveira Baron of Mauá University
  • Wlaumir Doniseti de Souza Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá
Keywords: Foreigners, Migration, Music, Ribeirão Preto, Symphonic orchestra


This article emphasizes the foreign influence on the musical scene of Ribeirão Preto (SP, Brazil), since the arrival of immigrants in the 19th century. It clarifies the foreign endeavor that legated to the city impressive contributions on the musical scenery. Such a history presents Ribeirão Preto as a distinguished city in the State of São Paulo and a cultural center inserted in modernity, above all in a “conservative modernity”, given the national political cultural model.

How to Cite
OliveiraJ. C. P.; SouzaW. D. de. From the origins of immigrant influence in the music to the foundation of the Ribeirão Preto Symphonic Orchestra. Transitions, v. 1, n. 1, p. 109-150, 28 Jun. 2020.