Tudo acontece no Grande Hotel: a paródia no cinema clássico norte-americano

  • Gustavo Russo Estevão Baron of Mauá University
Keywords: Parody, Classic cinema, Film industry


This article raises characteristics of the production of parodies in Holywood, from the analysis of the short film “Nothing Ever Happens” (1933). The production is based on the film “Grand Hotel” (1932), an example of commercial success in the North American film industry. Initially, the Hollywood production of the feature film is contextualized and, later, how the constituent elements of the filmic text are subverted in parody. The analysis will be based mainly on the ideas of Ben Singer, Ross Melnick and Ginette Vincendeau.

How to Cite
EstevãoG. R. Tudo acontece no Grande Hotel: a paródia no cinema clássico norte-americano. Transitions, v. 2, n. 2, 22 Dec. 2021.